This week in the lavatories of democracy..... [View all]
The Great State of North Carolina Has Gone Completely Insane.....
I give the city fathers of Charlotte credit for waving this red flag in front of the bullshit. How many ways does this reveal every last tenet of what is alleged to be conservative political philosophy to be a sham of a mockery of a farce?
Let us count the ways.
Conservative political philosophy insists that the best government is that government closest to the peopleunless, of course, it's a city that somehow offends the Bible-banging crackers in the state house. (You will note, by the way, that Charlotte's minimum wage increase also goes out as part of this deal. Arizona is up to the same mischief, too.) Down with local control! We must keep pure the lavatories of democracy!
And then, wait for it, Bible-banging cracker-in-chief Apodaca is going to try to make City of Charlotte pay for the special session