Cordray wrote the amicus brief that conformed to the desires of the gun industry. [View all]
Cordray would eliminate the power of our state governments to regulate firearms.
"Based on his longstanding support for Second Amendment rights, Attorney General Richard Cordray announced today that his office has co-sponsored an amicus brief in the United States Supreme Court, arguing that these rights should be protected from undue restrictions imposed by state and local governments."
This is worse than I thought!
***The Plain Dealer account***
2010: Cleveland has about a half-dozen firearms provisions that are stricter than the state law passed in 2006. For example, every firearm in the city must be registered; no one can openly carry a gun; and assault rifles and shotguns are banned -- all bans that are preempted by Ohio's uniform gun law and have been on hold during the court case.
Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson said the ruling will put urban populations like Cleveland's at greater risk for gun violence.
"Even though we've made progress in Cleveland, gun violence is a very real threat that we face, particularly our young people," Jackson said in a statement. "Our inability to enforce laws that are right for our city flies in the face of home rule and takes power away the people at the local level."
Attorney General Richard Cordray praised the decision as a big win for those exercising their Second Amendment rights.
"This is an important victory for every gun owner in Ohio," Cordray said in a statement. "Before 2006, Ohioans faced a confusing patchwork of local ordinances with different restrictions on gun ownership and possession."
Chris Cox, executive director of the National Rifle Association's Institute for Legislative Action echoed Cordray's comments and added in a statement: "If Cleveland, or any other city, wants to crack down on violence, city leaders there should focus on prosecuting criminals, not enacting new gun laws that only serve to restrict law-abiding citizens."
Cleveland Law Director Robert Triozzi, however, said the decision "eviscerates" home rule in Ohio.
Cordray is from the gun culture. As governor, he will have power to shape gun issues in the legislature. No matter who has the "majority" next year, Cordray would pressure Democrats to vote as the gun industry desires. He will pollute the messaging with the simplistic negativism that the conservatives used so well.
I thought that Rich Cordray was a great candidate until I explored this. He got "all the newspaper endorsements" last time he ran statewide. He managed the federal consumer protection bureau well. Although, in all fairness, that bureau was the genius of now Senator Elizabeth Warren.
Time is tight. Joe Schiavoni has a complete position statements on his very well organized web page. Cordray comes up short on that account too. Dennis Kucinich is fantastic because he was a dedicated antiwar activist, but his comments on his Fox News show give me pause. I don't think he could defeat old whistle teeth or the car dealer. Bill O'Neill knows how to win state wide, but he entered late and his Facebook post about his love life was embarrassing.
I am voting for Joe Schiavoni.