Project Veritas is trying to take down Ohio's teachers unions [View all]
So, James O'Keeffe and his Project Veritas is out after evil teachers and their evil unions. They are coming into school districts and trying to catch union representatives admitting that they would protect teachers engaged in wrongdoing.
They got caught trying to sneak into Cleveland Public Schools, and this happened in Lordstown:
In Lordstown, Cropper said, a woman later identified as Ermine Desir, came to a school to speak to union representatives who were in the building that day.
"Supposedly they knew a teacher in the school who had a sexual relationship with a student," Cropper said.
Cropper said teachers said they would have to report that to law enforcement and pressed for more details.
"Her story shifted," Cropper said.
When teachers asked for ID, Cropper said, the woman left and the school's School Resource Officer called police. Lordstown Police Chief Brent Milhoan stopped her and a companion named Ryan Lopez driving away and both had New York Drivers licenses.
According to the police report on the incident, Desir and Lopez identified themselves as investigative reporters for Veritas and listed the organization as their employer. They told police that Veritas flew them to Ohio to investigate a corrupt union.
This is just creepy. They try to get people to say something in agreement with them and then edit the hell out of it. They brought down ACORN, attacked Planned Parenthood, and now their target is unions.
Here is the full story: