Given that all of us white people (and lots of others) left their original country to find a better life, needing to learn a new language and a new culture, it's a shame the descendants of those resourceful people can't relocate within the same country. Or learn a new skill.
It is hardly breaking news that coal is on its way out, and that there are vastly more people employed in renewable energy any more.
I recall going through this in the 1980's, when rust-belt cities were declining, manufacturing jobs going away, and people whose own grandparents had moved thousands of miles to a new country couldn't move a few hundred miles. Too many preferred to stay put and complain that they'd been cheated somehow.
Ever since the Industrial Revolution jobs have changed, evolved, moved, disappeared. New jobs have always come up.
This is no different, really, than the college student who majors in some fascinating subject that offers no employment opportunities, then complains bitterly about not being able to find a job.
The world doesn't owe any of us a living.