Ohio COVID-19 Update: 03/26/2020 [View all]
Posted by Ohio Nurses Association:
At our peak, we could see 6,000 to 8,000 new cases of COVID-19 per day. Plus, Dr. Acton unveils Ohios first modeling curve and there are 867 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ohio.
More summary information from the March 26, 2020 COVID-19 update from Governor DeWine and ODH Director, Dr. Amy Acton:
There are 867 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ohio spanning 60 counties with 15 confirmed fatalities. 223 hospitalizations, with 11% in the ICU. The age range for those in the ICU is 23 to 92. 17% of those infected are healthcare workers. The age range is less than 1 to 94. There have been 17,316 tests conducted.
Weddings and funerals are permissible under the stay-at-home order. The state is asking, though, to not have large gatherings. Many people are postponing receptions, for example, until after the order is lifted.
The state spoke with hospital CEOs and are organizing procedures, expanding capacities and infrastructure. The governor suspects we will have to double capacity.
The state has developed an email for those who want to help or donate. Use this email: Together@governor.ohio.gov.
ODH has created a new interactive dashboard on their website with transparent information.
Dr. Acton showed the first modeling curve for Ohio. (image in comments) The orange curve is if we did not interventions. The blue curve is with the mitigated actions we have taken. The actions we have done have lessened the burden on the healthcare system by 50% to 75%.
At our peak surge, we could be looking at 6,000-8,000 new cases per day. We will exceed our healthcare capacity, but what we are doing will still absolutely save lives.
Dr. Acton also presented the anticipated PPE needs in mitigated vs. unmitigated circumstances. (graph in comments)
We will go beyond our current hospital capacity.
A COVID-19 patient is in the hospital for up to 20 days.
Unemployment claims: Ohio has over 187,000 claims. In all of 2019, Ohio had 369,000 claims.
It is projected that 40% to 70% of us will get this virus over the course of this year.
In building capacity, we could see COVID-19 hospitals as a way to pool resources and equipment. We are turning our capacity into capacity for the sickest.