Ohio Legislators consider guns, abortion, HB 6 repeal and health department powers [View all]
More guns. Fewer abortions. Delaying a nuclear bailout repeal and weakening the health department.
With one official legislative day remaining in Ohio’s 133rd General Assembly, Ohio lawmakers have by and large narrowed their focus to these policy objectives.
Ohio Capital Journal staff broke down some of the most significant pieces of legislation in play in the last breath of the legislative session.
It’s like Republicans have this knack for enacting the exact opposite policies that Ohio really needs and that actually help people. Weakening the health department during a deadly pandemic?
Why is their focus ALWAYS on abortion. Guns, too. Like there isn’t a deathly pandemic going on, serious job losses, and more Ohioans falling into poverty. I hate Rethugs with every fiber of my being. I hope we can get rid of a lot of them when we re-draw the district maps.