We aren't just random Democrats contacting him, but state Democratic Party leadership voted in 2013 to send him a message NOT to work on Fast Track or TPP legislation then. Read more here:
Section 1. Our Senators should insist that the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership be made public and subject to full discussion and modification by the Senate before this treaty is voted on by Congress.
Section 2. Our Senators should oppose reinstatement or exercise of Fast Track Authority by the president that circumvents the ability of the Senate to carefully consider the TPP and any future free trade agreements.
Section 3. Our Senators should oppose any international trade agreement that would undermine American manufacturing by encouraging production to move to low-wage countries with weak labor and environmental standards.
His office should be reminded of this when he's contacted to show that he's out of step with his party, and that Oregon voters deserve an explanation as to WHY!
We should be contacting Pete DeFazio's office as well to encourage him to run in a primary too. Perhaps help this by passing along suggestions on who to run in his place for the House to keep Art Edmonds and his son out of Congress too to help him make this decision.