I am voting No on 79. Groups supporting the measure are all Chambers of Commerce, and other Suits ( see Edward Abbey, for definition of Suits). I feel I am more likely to agree with the groups and the one realtor who posted arguments opposing it.
The Voter's Pamphlet does not list any arguments in opposition for either Measure 77 or 78. 77 seems pretty straightforward. Its purpose is to help the State government be better able to respond to and help with Oregonians affected by natural disasters.
78 simply aims to change some confusing descriptions of parts of our state government that are different than what kids learn about when they study in school. The purpose seems to be to help people become better informed about how Oregon's State government works, based on having terms match what they learn in our schools.
Neither measure seems likely to be costly to implement, and 77 has language providing for State funding to be returned to whatever level and function it would normally have been prior to any disaster happening.
I am voting Yes on Measure 80. It won't benefit me, but I hope it passes, and helps those who need it.
I am voting Yes on Measure 81. I have seen the carnage done by gill nets, and the damage to the fish that are caught by that method. Ugh! Definite Yes on this one, for me.