OK, that's off my chest.
77 is OK. Yes, Give the Governor the ability to respond to disasters (eg. the Ducks and the Beavers both lose on the same weekend)
78 is stupid - uh, the constitution says 'department' meant to say 'branch', but take the hit now
79 is a No - Realtors do not want to complicate transactions, but shucks local governments can't do that now, and the state legislature would have to pass a bill
80 is whoa, dude. Corvallis Orange - Yes. don't fill the jails with potheads while Dad's polishing off a quart of JD; there will be adjustments to how pot is controlled, but let's allow that discussion
81 - here's a case of Eugene Weekly influence. NO. Kitzhaber has a new approach for restricting gill-netting on mainstream Columbia, but allowing on tributaries. Let's give the proposal a chance. Formerly a 'yes'.
82 - private Casinos - NO, nuff said. 'Family friendly gambling??' Don't think so. Let the Tribes have that revenue
83 - a particular private Casino - NO
84 - Eliminate Inheritance tax - on family farms worth over $7.5 million?? NO. OK, kinda close to home, as we have a blueberry farm. but if the value ever reaches $7.5 million, then the heirs will just have to deal with it.
85 -corporate kicker goes to education. YES. but I'd like to see a provision saying "not if creationism or climate change denial are part of the established curriculum".