Purple paint markings will soon mean no trespassing in Pennsylvania [View all]
If you are wandering about and come across purple stripes on a tree or post, dont think of it as an unfinished paint job. Think no trespassing and walk away.
Gov. Tom Wolf on Wednesday signed into law a bill that allows property owners the option of using purple paint markings instead of no trespassing signs to mark their property boundaries.
This new law takes effect in 60 days. It was sponsored by Rep. Dawn Keefer, R-York County, who said, this purple paint makes it easier to define property lines and provides a more visible notice that private property is not to be trespassed on.
Until now, trespassing on agricultural and other open land is prohibited if the property is posted with signs that indicate no trespassing allowed. However, these signs degrade over time, leaving the illegible and tattered or are removed either by nefarious acts or adverse weather conditions. Paint is a more permanent means of posting a property, Keefer said.
Read more: https://www.pennlive.com/news/2019/11/purple-paint-markings-will-soon-mean-no-trespassing-in-pa.html