Gathering Signatures for Our Only Candidate for the 93rd PA District State Rep., Chris Rodkey [View all]
Yesterday, I only got one signature from an elderly neighbor who could barely finish the petition. She looked bent over in pain.
One young gentleman, who was on my Dem registered voters list along with his wife, would not sign it until he "knew more about him" when referring to Chris Rodkey. I handed him a piece of Rodkey's campaign literature, with his bio (he is a local Christian pastor who leans left) pics of him and his family. I asked the young man if I could stop by the next day. He replied that he would be too "busy" with life as a young Dad.
Today, I only one signature from a young lady neighbor I personally know. She eagerly signed it while holding back the dog and looking very tired from her own life as a Mom of three active little future Dems. Ok, I hope they will be Dems!
Another young Mom said the same the young man, miles away, said. About "wanting to know more" about the candidate before she signed. Again I gave her a piece of Chris' literature. This time with my number for her and/or her husband, another registered Dem, to give me a call if they want.
Tomorrow, I will be inspired to go out again.
If the elderly lady could do her part, so can I.