Sounds pretty obvious that Morgan was descending into adult-onset schizophrenia. When I was a kid, my best friend / next door neighbor had a mental breakdown his freshman year of high school. His dad was a doctor, mom a nurse, and he had two older sisters and an older brother. One sister was anorexic, the brother was really aloof, never wore shoes at the house, would be out playing catch in the front yard in winter with no shoes on. I've thought often about that family, how whenever I'd go over there things just seemed "off" with the whole group. The dad confronted me one morning on my paper route (their house being my first toss). I had already stopped going over there for at least 5 years because it was just too weird. It was 4 a.m. and he emerged from a large bush on the corner of their house and began screaming at me that he knew that I was the one who had been cutting up his garden hose at night. Scared the shit out of me, and I had done no such thing to his hose. I quickly delivered my 150 or so papers and woke my dad up when I got home and told him what had happened. He called over there and chewed the doctor's ass out. Next morning, same damn thing: The doctor emerged from the bushes and said that he wanted to apologize and be good neighbors. I ran past him and tossed their paper and did my route. I never told my dad about the second encounter because I believe he might've beat the hell out of him. A few years later the doctor attempted suicide at the house. I don't know what ever happened to the kids.