Voters May Decide Whether to Declare This South Carolina County an LGBT-Free Zone (VIDEO) [View all]
Last month, numerous outlets reported that one-third of Poland is now an LGBT-free zone, which means local municipalities have passed resolutions against LGBT propaganda and pro-family.
Now, believe it or not, voters in one U.S. county may decide whether to do effectively the same thing.
Joe Dill, a councilman in Greenville County, South Carolina, has introduced a proposed ballot measure that would allow voters to weigh in on an anti-gay resolution originally passed in 1996. The resolution states that lifestyles advocated by the gay community should not be endorsed by government policy makers, because they are incompatible with the standards to which this community subscribes.
The resolution also states that the traditional family structure
has been proven to be the primary and best method for fostering a positive development in children and pledges not to fund those activities which seek to contravene these existing community standards.
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