And I did not realize that Matthew Hill was on the commission. He is beyond loathsome.
"Rep. Hill was among a handful of Tennessee General Assembly Members within the House of Representatives widely reported during 2009 as a "birther", demanding that U.S President Barack Obama be compelled to present Hill and other legislators with a certified copy of Obama's Hawaiian birth certificate.[6] Hill interviewed the nationally noted "birther" conspiracy advocate Orly Taitz at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Nashville for a February 10, 2009 segment podcasted online by the IRN USA Radio News network during "The Matthew Hill Show.[19][20]
In early 2017, Hill and State Senator Bill Ketron garnered national attention by proposing legislation that would free motorists of civil liability for running down political demonstrators.[27]
Hill amended a 2018 bill to strip Memphis of $250,000 after the majority-black city opted to remove the busts of Confederate President Jefferson Davis and KKK leader Nathan Bedford Forrest."....(more)