The facts set forth in this lawsuit are truly shocking
Five pregnant women and two doctors filed suit in Texas this week claiming that the states six-week abortion ban violates the state constitutions due process and equal protection guarantees. The complaint asks that, at a minimum, the court declare a woman can obtain an abortion when a physician in good faith finds the patient suffers a condition of complication that poses a risk of infection, bleeding, or otherwise makes continuing a pregnancy unsafe for the pregnant person; a physical medical condition that is exacerbated by pregnancy that cant be effectively treated or where the fetus is unlikely to survive the pregnancy and sustain life after birth.
Though Texass right-wing courts might well reject the suit based on its reading of the Texas constitution, the bracing and enlightening facts set out in the complaint should be mandatory reading for lawmakers who want to strip women of essential health care. Unlike most suits that are brought by advocacy groups, this action has real, live plaintiffs with heart-wrenching personal stories:
Amanda was forced to wait until she was septic to receive abortion care, causing one of her fallopian tubes to become permanently closed. When Lauren M. learned one of her twins was not viable, she was forced to travel out of state for the abortion she needed to save her and her other babys life, who is due in several weeks. Lauren H. received a devastating fetal diagnosis two weeks after Roe was overturned, and in the chaos that followed, she was forced to travel to Seattle for an abortion. Pregnant again now, Lauren H. fears that Texas is not safe for her or her family. Anna was forced to fly across multiple states after her water broke, risking that she would go into labor or septic shock on the journey. Ashley had to travel out of state to for an abortion to save the life of one of her twins, and afterward, fearful of documenting Ashleys abortion, her Texas physician instead described her condition as vanishing twin syndrome.
Lest anyone think these are oddball cases, the complaint reminds us that such cases are occurring routinely around the country in states that have banned or severely limited abortion access. The complaint points out that in case after case, the story is essentially the same: Necessary health care is denied; doctors are prevented from treating patients according to long-standing standards of care; and pervasive fear and uncertainty throughout the medical community regarding the scope of the life and health exceptions have put patients lives and physicians liberty at grave risk.,,,,,
Vice President Harris reacted to the suit in a written statement: The lawsuit includes devastating, first-hand accounts of womens lives almost lost after they were denied the health care they needed, because of extreme efforts by Republican officials to control womens bodies. She added, Many extremist so-called leaders espouse freedom for all, while directly attacking the freedom to make ones own health care decisions.
Her assessment is spot on and a reminder that abortion bans are not pro-life but barbaric and dangerous.