IMHO, as a profoundly hard of hearing person, I usually go w/ a friend who'll act as my 'translator', I've found that it's safer for me to have such help available for no hearing aid is perfect, especially when you don't know what the surrounding environment is like. Perhaps even w/ a cell phone, when she could have had a friend explain via the call what was going on, would she understand the conversation?
I hope her lawsuit goes very well for her. This is a terrible trespass, and a horrible thing that a hard of hearing person has to endure. She can use the money to get better aids perhaps (they weren't working, the "why' wasn't listed", is she not used to the aids? Was her batteries dead (if so, she should have had, and probably did have spare batteries)).
I'm still shaking my head. There also should have been more patience on the part of police officers, the agents, and the list goes on. Thing is, hearing loss is not observable, that is, you can't see it on a person. You're almost better off putting a hat on, that says "HARD OF HEARING", "HOH", or similar markings on your forehead.