but the news cycle for the smaller and more local stories has been pretty slow the last couple of weeks. I'm adding all of the OPs to my journal so people can go there or the individual state groups to stay informed.
The good news about not combining all of the articles in a single thread is that if I see something occurring of importance then I'm not waiting for a few days to post the threads so I'm actually a bit more current overall and I'm moving a bit faster through the cycle compared to keeping up the other site. There also seems to be a bit more discussion on the threads.
I agree that it takes about $15/hour to have a livable wage these days (and even more in some cities). The question is how long does it take to get from the current minimum wage to $15 though and what is to be done for people that are not able to work?
While an increase in the minimum wage does put more money into the pockets of low-level workers it does have an adverse effect on the people that have fixed or no income as products become less affordable.
The merits about raising the minimum wage can be argued in many ways and I don't want to spew Republican talking points, but increasing the minimum wage is a mixed bag depending upon personal circumstances. If you are able to work it may be a good thing, if you are not able to work for any reason then it makes the situation more difficult because of the inflationary effects.