T-Mobile planning to relocate customer call center to eastern Henrico, hire up to 500 more employees [View all]
T-Mobile planning to relocate customer call center to eastern Henrico and hire up to 500 more employees
John Reid Blackwell 17 hrs ago
The wireless carrier company T-Mobile is planning to relocate its Henrico County customer service center to another site in the county and hire up to 500 additional employees.
The company is planning to move what it calls its “customer experience center” from its current location at 100 Westgate Parkway in western Henrico into the former Sam’s Club building at 4571 S. Laburnum Ave. in the White Oak Village shopping center in eastern Henrico.
The relocation means the company will retain 800 local jobs and add up to 500 more, Gov. Ralph Northam’s office announced on Friday.
The company also is planning a $30 million investment to upgrade the 134,000-square-foot building, state and local officials said. The total employment at the new customer center will be about 1,300 full-time jobs.
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