Wisconsin's Supreme Court impeachment threat amounts to extortion [View all]
Supreme Court impeachment threat amounts to extortion
Richard Niess
Nothing more clearly demonstrates the evils of our Legislatures extreme gerrymandering than the brazen extortion plot hatched by Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and Republicans in the Legislature against Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Janet Protasiewicz and the one-million-plus voters who elected her. Rule as we instruct you to rule, they say to Justice Protasiewicz, or we will throw you out of office.
Wisconsin citizens should ponder the arrogance and audacity of this Republican response to losing the landslide April Supreme Court election. By threatening Justice Protasiewicz to coerce her compliance with their directives on how to rule in cases before the Court, the Republican legislators are actively working to convert our Supreme Court into a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Legislature. They are blowing up our system of checks and balances indeed our democracy itself to accomplish this end, the million-plus Wisconsin voters who chose Justice Protasiewicz be damned. And the legislators are using unworthy, even sordid tactics to do so, tactics that would be unavailable to them but for the practical immunity they enjoy from rigged legislative maps.
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