and his replacement either this year or four years from now will likely be a Democrat, according to historical trends. The two parties alternate the governorship. Of course that could end, just like sending one Republican and one Democratic senator to DC ended in 1980.
We had a guy named Hugh "big foot" Binford who ran on the sagebrush rebellion back in the day. After the Republican primary, he was never heard from again.
While I'm sure Haynes is a good MD, he doesn't know the US or Wyoming constitutions that well, given his misunderstanding of the US Constitution being allowed to own land. The Wyoming Constitution likely would prohibit such a grab. Article 21 Section 26 of the Wyoming Constitution:
Even the most conservative people I know are not raving about him. He'll land up like like the Tea Party favorite who wanted to legalize horse meat. In these parts, that went over as well as if she said "I like Mike Bloomberg's view on guns."