How much longer is the media going to allow Abbott to hoodwink the electors. [View all]
In Tony Abbott's daily press conference, I nearly fell off my chair when I heard him say that Craig Thomson's vote should not be accepted. Since when have parliamentarians been able to decide whose vote to accept and whose not to accept. In the same press conference he mentioned that Slipper is foregoing his vote in parliament, so why not Thomson. Does he think that we are all stupid, or is it just him. Peter Slipper cannot sit in the chamber and vote because he is still the speaker (he has only stood aside for the time being). Craig Thomson is allowed to sit in the chamber and vote because he has not been charged with anything and he is not a bankrupt. He represents the constituents of Dobell, and I'm sure they wouldn't appreciate him not being able to vote on their behalf.
It is well and truly time for the 2 head kickers of the Liberal Party to be called to account. They have got away with lies and inuendo for far too long. Pyne and Abbott have orchestrated the biggest scare campaign that I have ever known in Australia's political history, while at the same time continually talking down our economy.
Its about time the journalists started asking questions as to what the policies are of the opposition. The 2 headkickers of the opposition continue to refer to this government as the worst in Australia's history and that its toxic. In my opinion, this is the worst opposition I have ever known and it is continually finding ways to trash parliament and its conventions, and the media is letting them get away with it.