Aquatarium Costs Rise - uh oh.... more trouble in Brockville [View all]
As the costs mount during the wait for the Aquatarium's opening, the city's non-cash expenses may also rise past the budget, city councillors heard Tuesday.
"The expectation right now is, from most of us, that there will be some ramping of costs here," Mayor David Henderson told the economic development and planning committee. The Aquatarium, Brockville's planned $21.4-million signature tourism attraction, is to open its doors within 12 weeks of the date the base building at the foot of Broad Street is handed over to the non-profit group set up to run it.
City officials still have no firm date for that handoff.
Among the potential additional costs, the city has made the marketing of the Aquatarium the top priority of economic development director Dave Paul, once the opening day draws nearer. The costs of that work have yet to be factored in, because Paul has not yet begun that marketing work, said city manager Bob Casselman.
It's a bit ironic that they say the city has made the marketing of this $21+ million dollar facility the 'top priority...' and yet admit the work has not even begun and they haven't even factored in costs! Sounds like they don't know what they are doing. In fact, if anyone wants to pick up the Aquatarium domain, it's has yet to be purchased, and no doubt someone will drop a hat on it before the city even has a chance to pick up their pencils. Wow -- some multi-million dollar project!
The comments below the article, including some of those attributed to Brockville Mayor David Henderson are sounding increasingly devisive.
Mounting costs - NO KIDDING! First it was an aquarium, now it's an aquatarium - what's next a terrarium, with two turtles in it. I like and respect Mary Jean McFall so it must have stuck in her throat to announce, a while back, that the project had been "re-valued" by about $800,000.00 Re-valued? Yeah, that's some re-value - and - in the wrong direction. BTW what happened to the $600,000.00 that businesses would be lining-up to pay to put their name on this mess. I bet someone would pay $600,000.00 to keep their name off it! Anyone remember Dave Paul's tearful description, at the Brockville Art Center's Aquatarium love fest a few years ago. I was there. He spoke lovingly and tearfully of St.Lawrence river otters in his family's boat house. News flash! The river otters are from Ohio - that would be from the United States - another bloody country! Remember all the jobs that would go to Brockvillians? Guess where the "aquatarium" manager is from - Las Vegas. Las Vegas? Are they kidding? Wait a minute - this is the first thing that has made sense to me. Las vegas the land of snake oil and the slight-of-hand. Isn't that the place you go to lose your shirt?. Okay - finally - I must have been stupid - I GET IT! Speaking of Las Vegas - anyone want to take bets on who is going to end-up owning all this property for cents on the dollar, when it finally (and it will) go for a dump? Come on, any takers?
Link to Aquatarium story at