Harper doubles down on trickle down [View all]
Okay, so that's not the title of the article, but I thought it was apt.
A sample of the vomit inducing speech:
"Do we in Canada really want to go down the NDP-Liberal road of out of control spending, permanent deficits and higher taxes?" Harper told a crowd of about a hundred supporters at a Monday evening event in Lac Beauport, Que.
"I think we want to stay the Conservative course that has, in a troubled global economy, consistently made this country an island of stability."
Stephen Lewis called Harper a 2nd rate economist today. He hit the nail on the head. Everything that has been right with our economy over the last 8 years has been DESPITE Harper's policies. And everything wrong with it has been exacerbated by his trickle down, tax-cuts-for-the-rich, oil-focused economy. His policies are anti-Keynesian, and have exaggerated the natural boom-bust cycle. Harper wants to put in place austerity at a time when stimulus is needed. Another Harper term would spell disaster for Canadians.
And, even though it's a tad bit OT, I found this interesting article from 2004:
An interesting read knowing what we know now.