The TPP, Internet Censorship, and Trudeau's First Big Test as Prime Minister [View all]
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Monday, November 02, 2015
Now the TPP looks like it's becoming the first major test for the new Liberal government. Although the previous government signed Canada on to the deal, it will still need to be approved by the recently elected new Parliament.
Despite the fact that negotiations had been continuing for over three years, most Canadians
knew nothing about the agreement, and so the announcement from Atlanta came as big news. Even those of us who have been following the process closely have little information on the TPP's contents. Of its 29 chapters, we have only seen three -- and only because they were leaked and published by Wikileaks.
So here we are, being told by political leaders that we must be a part of this agreement, as there is "
simply too much to gain for Canada." But if we have so much to gain, why did the previous government wait until the last possible moment to pitch us the plan, and then keep it under wraps throughout the recent election?
The few who have read the leaked texts know exactly why: Canadians would never accept the TPP if we knew what was being negotiated on our behalf.
vowing to release the full text before the election, Trade Minister Ed Fast
reneged on his promise only days later, leaving Canadians without an opportunity to judge for themselves if the trumped-up benefits of the TPP are truly there at all.
For an example of just how bad the TPP is for Canadians, let's take a look at the Intellectual Property (IP) chapter. For years, digital rights experts the world over have been calling it
"one of the worst global threats to the Internet."
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Just one of the threats in this in this piece of shit 'agreement'.