United Kingdom
In reply to the discussion: Any theories as to how long May can delay a new election? [View all]Denzil_DC
(8,108 posts)But faced with the open goals provided by May et al. and the whole Brexit debacle, it's disappointing (if only too predictable) that they really haven't been going for the jugular.
Blair got into power largely by promising not to change too much the Tories were doing (I won't deny some of the social improvements under New Labour, but given the political environment and their length of time in power, not to mention the sputtering to a standstill under Brown, the political landscape wasn't changed enough to avoid the Tories and the Tory agenda gaining the upper hand again), but to do it better.
If Labour's future election platform is simply to enact Brexit, but do it better than the Tories, well (a) that's not a particularly high bar to set (!), and (b) I don't know how appealing that's going to be where they really need to keep and win votes.
Given the ever-shortening timescale and how little meaningful preparation for Brexit has apparently been done to date, the only way I could see it working would be if they said they were going to reset the whole Brexit process and start again with proper preparation (or, as things pan out and the impossibility of the contradictory ambitions they've declared so far becomes even clearer, eventually abandon the whole thing as unworkable). Whether the electorate or the EU would wear that is another matter, of course.