Brexiteers March to Leave with Nigel Farage in Sunderland [View all]
The March to Leave set off from a sodden field on Saturday morning, to begin its way over to London over a 14-day period.
Angry rows broke out as the march started, with several counter-protesters assembling to get their views across.
Carrying love hearts bearing messages like "we love workers' rights" and "we love to have a say", they chanted you can shove your Brexit up your arse.
As Mr Farage arrived, a woman set off a flare with the EU colours, to shouts of "exit Brexit" from the counter-protesters. She was shepherded away by police, but no arrests were made.
It is understood that two two advertising vans, made by the anti-Brexit grassroots campaign Led By Donkeys, will also be following the march.
Farage's army may be glad of the company. 2,000 were slated to take part - each expected to pay Farage £50 for the privilege - but only 100-200 actually turned up at the start in a muddy and rain-drenched field, almost outnumbered by the media and counter-protesters. They better not have blinked or they'd have missed Farage, who soon peeled off to find something better to do with his Saturday.
Led By Donkeys @ByDonkeys
Hiya @Nigel_Farage 👋#EpicProtestMarch
I didn't get past the first two comments on this article:
We need to get behind these people leave means leave without any deal we would never get a deal that suits us they wouldn't allow it
why aren't you on the march then?
This seems to sum up their leader's attitude:
Nigel Farage will not complete Brexit Betrayal march despite urging supporters to join him
Led By Donkeys @ByDonkeys
Hi millionaire elite property tycoon and Farage funder @TiceRichard, is this the "epic protest march" you've been talking about? Cos right now there are more people in the queue at my local Tesco #MarchToLeave #EpicProtestMarch
Cheering the marchers on from the comfy sidelines while trying to keep a brave face, rabid Brexiteer and
BBC Question Time regular Isabel Oakshott sprang into action:
Security might be needed, but more likely to protect the public from some of the marchers:
North East 4 Europe #FBPE @NE4EU
One of the Farage lot has just punched a female member of NE4EU at his Sunderland march.
McWomble 🇬🇧🇪🇺🇺🇸✊✌️ @WombleFree
So this happened to me today at the @NE4EU protest at the start of Farages march not really a march. Nice people these Hard Leavers. @angelsforeurope
Not wishing to sound complacent, but if this is the scale of "civil unrest" we face if we don't pander to these arseholes, then so far I'm not very whelmed.
Meanwhile, ace campaigners Led by Donkeys haven't been idle:
Led By Donkeys @ByDonkeys
We had a busy night at @ByDonkeys, covering Sunderland in our billboards. Farage's fake grassroots elite-funded circus has not gone unchallenged ✊