Well mannered British unsure if having bloody coup is polite or not [View all]
Good manners are currently the only thing preventing the British population rising up and tearing the ruling class to pieces in bloody insurrection.
Whilst there is certainly an overwhelming desire amongst the British to revolt in the most violent way possible, there is also a concern that it would be seen as impolite.
Well, yes, I think that, like most of us, theres nothing Id enjoy more, right now, than parading around Parliament Square with Liam Foxs head on a spear, explained Simon Williams, an insect psychiatrist from Norwich.
But, Im just a little concerned that people would think me rude.
I mean, like most people I was brought up to believe that good manners are paramount.
There is a truth in this for most of us - unfortunately times have changed somewhat and those gobs on the far left and far right seem to think violence of language is now okey dokey