Tories could come sixth in European elections, officials fear [View all]
Source: The Guardian
Tories could come sixth in European elections, officials fear
Candidates say the party is almost in denial over vote and will not publish manifesto
Rowena Mason and Rajeev Syal
Thu 9 May 2019 19.04 BST Last modified on Thu 9 May 2019 23.21 BST
Conservative officials fear the party could come sixth in the European elections, with their support plummeting to single digits.
Candidates running in the election said the party was almost in denial that the poll was happening and continued to insist they would not need to take up their seats in the European parliament, despite fading prospects for a cross-party deal with Labour that would enable Brexit to happen before 2 July.
The fears of a dismal performance have been stoked by the fact that the party plans to spend no money on candidate campaigning, will not publish a manifesto and is refusing to hold a launch.
One MEP said candidates were funding their campaigns out of their own pockets, unlike previous years when there was a central pot of funding available. They have been told they are allowed to have their own regional manifestos, but many are not bothering, and there will be no central party manifesto.
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