The terribly fishy bastard boris beastly brexit deal [View all]
Trust me, Im Boris, the PM had said, and to his astonishment 322 MPs decided they didnt
Yet again, Brexit continues to make fools of fools. But the result was still the same. Boris denied. His exquisite petite mort had turned into a dispiriting grande mort.
The Sulk did what the Sulk does. He sulked. OK, hed almost certainly get his deal in the end, but he didnt want to wait. He wanted to go back to Downing Street to play back clips of His Finest Hour. If not the countrys finest hour. But now he was going to be locked back into a Groundhog Day of having to explain why his shit deal wasnt shit. It just wasnt fair.
Pifflepafflewifflewaffle, he mumbled sulkily. Kevin the Teenager had behaved more gracefully. He wasnt going to say if he was going to write a letter to the EU asking for an extension. He might. There again he might not. But if he did, hed do it later. Much later. At the very last minute. DEEr DoNAld, I aM rRITing vis leTTa coz I HavE bin made 2, wiv NO luv. BoRIs. Classic Boris. Classic Dom. Clearly the pair were made for each other. Combined they have an emotional age of nine and three-quarters.]
Wah, wah you can't make me sign the letter. Wah, wah, the DUP is being mean... so what if this deal leads to he break up of the Union... English Nationalism rocks. Heh.
To be fair the DUP deserve a bloody nose on this one and I have always said that a wet border was the only solution to the very real issues on the Ireland of Ireland. But the loyalist community will not take this sitting down. And when I say loyalists I mean the proscribed organisations on the loyalist side...
This is real and alive in 2019.