United Kingdom
In reply to the discussion: Jeremy Corbyn reveals dossier 'proving NHS up for sale' [View all]Mc Mike
(9,175 posts)just with an extra step. Corporations influence politicians that they help elect, who influence the state owned entity via appointees.
The tax haven system shows the profit motive behind the crazy self-destructive politics, I guess.
Around here, we have a ton of 'Authorities'. Airport Authority, Water and Sewer Authority, Sports and Exhibition Authority, Port Authority. In all cases, the quasi governmental Authority boards are made up of a combination of current and former elected officials and business community experts, and they always wind up screwing the taxpaying 'owners', citizens, consumers, to the benefit of some slimeballs with business and political connections.
We also always have problems with our 'old hands' intel people and 'former' intel people who were spun off into business ventures. Serving the interests of corporate people who want to put themselves above our top elected people.
With our NAFTA and GATT, we wound up with a lot of flouting of all the nations' regulations against corruption, pollution from cost externalization, dangerous conditions that affect the public. A lot of suing across international lines, one country's corporation suing the government of another country for 'lost profits' due to 'onerous' regulatory laws to protect life and safety of citizens.
I don't know about the Zionist project. I like and back J-Street and the New Israel Fund, and look at their views on internal and external Israeli politics. Can't stand Likud.