Flat Earthers: Australia is a fake country and its citizens are actors paid by NASA [View all]

As the New Zealand Herald points out, some Flat Earthers think the massive continent down under doesnt exist. But what about those lovely Australians we all know and love? Actors, all of them. Whos paying for this massive fraud? Why, NASA of course.
According to those whove done a little digging, the theory first originated in a Flat Earth Society internet forum back in 2006, but found new life in a now-deleted Facebook post by a woman named Shelley Floryd back in 2017
A summary of the theory is as follows: The concept of Australia was created by the British government as a cover-up for a genocide. The Brits allegedly shipped over 160,000 criminals into the middle of the ocean during the 18th Century and intentionally drowned them.
LOL. There is a certain level of twisted genius in that there lunacy!!!!!