Maybe an off day to bring this up, but I can't help wondering if we Dems just aren't thinking big or bold enough? [View all]
The BS the RWers are doing to try and tie every meaningful piece of business in the House to some half baked set of spending cuts is stupid. BUT, I do think the level of national debt is troubling to many AND not in the nation's best long term interest. I keep thinking a bigger, bolder, more comprehensive and long term plan to begin to fully cover the national budget yearly and pay down long term debt would be good for the country AND could boost the view of the Dems over the Repugs in the eyes of many. Rather than nit pick a few spending cuts and raise a few taxes almost no one cares about, how about a much bigger plan over say at least ten years that is more comprehensive and has a real trend line to lower the debt? It is hard when you want to protect SS, Medicare and the Defense budgets, but it is doable and I think a case for less corporate welfare and tax breaks can be made and would be popular among voters. A bonus for many would be simplifying the tax code. I could go on and on but I really think that it would enhance Biden's and the Dems 2024 election chances. Similarly, I think a new comprehensive and meaningful change to border control and immigration could undercut the Repugs use of that issue as well.