I let some people talk me into buying some stock about 25 years ago. Normally I don't even bother looking at it, but TI is different. I bought 1000 shares of TI when it was $54 a share, and it has split 3 times, 2 for one, since then. Those 1000 shares of 1998 are now 8000 shares. So, that $54,000 investment of yore now represents a huge chunk of my expected retirement money, even after taxes on the gain, which, at this point, is just about all of the value. If it is due for a big fall soon, I would be greatly affected (by my modest standards, anyway). I was wondering why it had gained a third in value so quickly recently. This would explain that. However, if it is due for a crash in the near future, I should head for greener pastures before that happens.
My "portfolio," if it is even worth being called that, is parked with a mostly Republican outfit (Texas, don't forget), who I ordered to never touch my stuff or give me advice again. They are ones who talked me into selling my 500 shares of Apple (grew to 2000 shares due to splits, just like TI) at $189. It then went to $700, split 7 for one, etc etc. In short, they screwed me out of a $2 million gain with their expert "advice," which I told them was no longer needed or wanted. I think I will ask them about TI. If they tell me to hold, it is probably time to ditch it, pay the taxes and buy gold, or something equally useless, but immune to such games.