Workers are organizing independently. Why don't our politicians seem to care? [View all]
By Katrina vanden Heuvel Columnist August 23, 2022 at 8:01 a.m. EDT
Why in the world did Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Senate Democrats omit increased funding for the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) from the Inflation Reduction Act?
Across the country, workers are organizing to demand better wages and working conditions. From baristas at Starbucks to weary warehouse workers at Amazon to teaching assistants at colleges, the underpaid and overworked have had enough. But their efforts to form unions face forbidding obstacles, as corporations employ sophisticated strategies legal and illegal to obstruct, delay and undermine them. Reform of our labor laws has been stymied for years. And the NLRB, the agency in charge of enforcing the protections that do exist, has been starved of funding and stripped of field staff, leaving it unable to deal with the explosion of labor law violations that come out of corporate resistance to this new wave of unionizing. (Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, owns The Post.)
You neednt idealize unions to understand the importance of worker organizing. As unions have declined over recent decades suffering from unrelenting corporate attack, lax law enforcement and corporate globalization workers wages have stagnated and inequality has reached obscene levels. Americas pride the broad middle class has been profoundly affected as good jobs have been shipped abroad, entire communities have been abandoned, and deaths of despair, fear and rage have spread. If the United States is ever to rebuild a robust middle class and an economy of shared prosperity, a vibrant, growing and more powerful union movement is a national imperative.
Yet neither of our political parties sees unions as a priority. Republicans even in their new MAGA guise as a party of working people are staunchly and universally opposed. Rep. Virginia Foxx of North Carolina, the senior Republican on the House Education and the Workforce committee, argues that increasing the NLRBs annual budget is the equivalent of using a spray bottle to put out a grease fire, as if a grease fire were the equivalent of worker organizing.
FULL story at link above.
Pro-union pins sit on a table during a watch party for Starbucks' employees union election on Dec. 9, 2021, in Buffalo. (Joshua Bessex/AP)