It's just QQQ and S&P now [View all]
I watch dozens of YouTube finance videos, and follow several as well as WealthTrack with Consuelo Mack. She' good but in my mind gives too much leeway to libertarian economists and thinkers.
But my post is about one episode from several weeks back. I don't recall who it was, but he advised that value investing was out the door and to examine and think deeply to uncover future cash flows. Ok. So now, all that moves, every day is tech and food. And I'm wondering if this theme is playing out in the real economy because when I go shopping, food stores are open, and pickers are filling online orders all day and all night. The rest of minor retail - small shops, banks, restaurants - are open reduced hours, some sharply curtailed.
So that's why NASDAQ goes up 2% every day, and drags the S&P along with it. Eleven companies are about 45% of the market or something like that.
More than one YouTube guru says Big Banks will crash the market by tightening credit, causing an economic downturn, so the Banks can borrow money and buy up shares cheap.
Did I miss anything?