I've got money in the C of I, so I'm in the same boat. You go to the page with the tab labeled purchase securities, something like that and make your choice. I'm not logged on now, so I can't be sure. It's a bit tricky. You have to select the time period and the auction date. You have to designate the source of the funds, in your case, C of I, and the destination when the security matures. You can send the money to a bank or a credit union or back to C of I. You choose whether you want to rollover the security when it matures, and how many times.
I don't know when the next auction is, should there be a shutdown. For an example, you could put $1,000 in a four-week T-bill at next week's auction (if there is one), specify that the money comes from C of I, specify that the money goes back to C of I eventually, set the security to roll over, and say you want it to roll over for up to two years. You head to checkout, as it were, where you can review your selections. If you like them, you say that you are ready to buy and hit that button. You'll get an acknowledgement screen. I print those to a .pdf and keep the .pdf on the computer. You'll get an email too.
That's it. Easy-peasy. When Harrisburg says, "where's our money," you laugh.
From Virginia. Go to page 19.
Line 4.
Obligations of the U.S. Enter the amount of any income (interest, dividends and gain) from obligations of the U.S. that are included in your federal adjusted gross income, but are exempt from Virginia state tax. Income from obligations issued by the following organizations IS NOT taxable in Virginia: Tennessee Valley Authority, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; Federal Home Loan Bank; Federal Intermediate Credit Bank; Governments of Guam, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands; U.S. Treasury bills, notes, bonds and savings bonds; Federal Land Bank; Federal Reserve Stock; Farm Credit Bank; ExportImport Bank of the U.S.; U.S. Postal Service; and Resolution Trust Corporation.
Income from obligations issued by the following organizations IS taxable in Virginia: Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, Federal National Mortgage Association, Government National Mortgage Association, Inter-American Development Bank, and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.