Looking for Mortgage Lender Recommendations [View all]
We just refinanced in 2016, and the mortgage lender broke their promise to us.
When I called them on it, they claimed they "hadn't understood" what we wanted, and wouldn't have been able to do it, if they had.
It's very simple.
We are looking for a fixed payment amount.
That is, if the escrow costs vary in the "increase" direction, the mortgage lender contacts us, and requests a lump sum payment to make up the difference for the year. If they vary in the "decrease" direction (hah!) the extra goes into principle.
So that the amount of the monthly payment never varies. Not by a dime.
When we discussed this with our current lender after kicking Chase to the curb for many good and sufficient reasons, we thought they understood. They have a local office with a local broker who worked with us and said that of course, we could always opt to pay escrow increases in a lump sum.
Then last month, our payment amount mysteriously increased by $13.
When I called them and asked "WTF?" they said the property tax rate had gone up and this amount reflected the increase. I said, "Waitaminnit, y'all were supposed to let us pay that in a lump sum if it happened. Can we send you a check for $156 and return the payment to the original amount?"
Nope. Their "system" couldn't handle it.
Anyone know of a reputable mortgage lender with good customer service with a "system" that doesn't piss customers off?