There is extensive data on which school systems do well and why. Lack of knowledge is NOT the problem.
What's the problem here? The problem is that corporate interests spend lots of time and money taking over formerly governmental operations all in the name of taking tax money from the taxpayers. Once these entities have bought off a few Congresspeople, paid to have fake 'studies' made on how AWFUL the school system (or prison system, or water system, etc.) is, and then finally convinced the ignorant populace that those programs are all SOSHULISM anyway, the corporations have free rein to run their crappy operations into the ground whilst simultaneously draining every last dime out of every last taxpayer involved. Then they cut and run, claiming that the kids are too stupid or too poor to do anything but pick fruit anyway.
Ask Romney how it's done. That's how he and Bain Capital destroyed healthy businesses and drained them to the last drop. Did you think capitalism wouldn't come for YOU and your pitiful little investments in your kids' educations? There's a reason Matt Taibbi calls these entities a "vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money."