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Remember the Alaska school board that banned Catch-22, The Great Gatsby, and other books from the curriculum? The band Portugal the Man is offering to send the books to any student in the district who wants to read them.
Portland band Portugal The Man offers to send banned books to kids in Alaska
Updated May 04, 11:33 AM; Posted May 04, 11:23 AM
By Lizzy Acker | The Oregonian/OregonLive
The band Portugal The Man is claimed by two places: Portland, Oregon, where they live now, and Wasilla, Alaska, where several of the members are from.
Wasilla, once most famous as the home of vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, is home to Wasilla High School, where the band formed in 2001 as two students started playing music together.
Wasilla is part of the Matanuska-Susitna Borough and it is there,
according to Alaskas KTOO News, that the Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District School Board voted to ban several books from the districts curriculum.
The school board is set to meet again Wednesday and review the decision. Meanwhile, Portugal The Man is offering to send the books to any student in the district who wants to read them.
They just need to email the band at sticksandstones@portugaltheman.com.