Are there any teachers here that are back in the classroom? How's it going? [View all]
My husband is returning to the school building today for the first time since last March. He's been teaching elementary special ed on line since then. I know, no easy task. His kids have been in school two half days a week with his co teacher. There are less than 5 kids in the class and only special ed kids have been back in the building. In the last month there were two positive covid reports. So now they are bringing back his class four half days.
He is going in for prep and training's today and tomorrow. I know the teachers in class now are teaching in PPE and shields. I don't expect that to change. Since his kids have challenges that sometimes need hands on assistance that is someone of a relief to me.
We both have one dose of Pfizer in arm now with our second dose hopefully around the 20th of this month. Our community and state spread rates are on the lower end but I'm really struggling with this as I am high risk and tend towards being overly compulsive about safety precautions
I know every school district is different, but how is it going for you? Are you getting good reinforcement to use and enforce precautions in the classroom. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around what this is going to look like for him.