Anyone else struggle with geometry? [View all]
I'm long out of school, so this isn't a current problem. It's just one I'm curious about. I've read so many discussions in the past year on various forums about how many people struggled/struggle with algebra. Algebra was the one math subject I enjoyed and was good at. I've always said it was because it was letters and not numbers!
However, I hated plane geometry! It was time-consuming and very hard for me to understand and visualize. I never got good grades in it. I remember little of what I learned.
I suspect that some of my struggles had to do with my poor eyesight. Until I had eye surgery in my 30s, I was legally blind and wore very thick glasses. I couldn't see far distances even with glasses. I think my 3-D vision is lacking and I know my peripheral vision is poor and I am better at remembering words, not pictures, in my head.
I'm not talking about high school geometry with the theorems. That was straight memorization of comparisons. That wasn't the problem.
Fortunately, I went into a career that involved writing, not math.