Charter School Industry Loses Another One: Ras Baraka Is Mayor Of Newark [View all]
Which means they are down but not out. They lost in NYC by 73% to 23% but purchased sufficient influence in Albany to keep it goin' anyway. ( "It" means privatization.) We'll see what happens in Newark.
From enotesonline:
>>>Major Defeat for Ed Deform: Ras Baraka Is Mayor of Newark
A major focal point of the election was the debate over the schools and state-appointed Superintendent Cami Andersons controversial "One Newark" school reorganization plan which calls for the relocation and consolidation of one-quarter of the citys schools and turning over some neighborhood schools to charter operators.
Jeffries, 39, a law professor, former assistant attorney general and school board member who helped found a charter school, had been backed by charter school interests, along with the Essex County Democratic machine.
"When everybody didn't believe, you believed. Today is the day we say goodbye to the bosses."
Baraka, the principal of Central High School and a sharp critic of Andersons plan, was supported by the teachers unions.
Some similarities to the Wash DC mashing of Fenty/Rhee but that story did not turn out all that well. Oh, stop being such a cynic, Norm, my alter voice is saying to me.
Ok, I'm cheering. Like I did for de Blasio. Come talk to me in a few months. But what fun to see what happens with Cami Anderslime.
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