I'm sure there are thousands of people with a similar story. My brother went through it 10 years ago when all the shit hit the fan under Bush. He is just now in a decent paying job where he can support himself again. So there is hope. However, I am on a downward spiral right now. I've been unemployed for a year now, coming up on 60. If it weren't for my wife working, we'd be screwed. The jobs just aren't there. Why you say? Corporate America is finding ways to get by, with shittier service to it's customers, by cutting employees and hours. Companies are slowly removing full time jobs with benefits, and going to contractors, with little, or no benefits. If you have ever been in contracting, let me tell you, it's no pic-a-nic. In most cases, you need to know everything about everything when you walk in the door. If not, you're gone in 30 days, no questions asked. NEXT!!!! At this age, I have pretty much given up on any decent paying job and now just looking for anything. This in itself has been a real challenge. All these years of experience, for 30K a year? No one even wants to give you the time of day, because they think you'll split once another opportunity comes along. My last interview was a perfect example. Everything went fine, until it came down to the final 2(me and a 20 year old). The company decided to hire the 20 year old at far less pay, with no experience in the field. I don't get it!!!
Do I still have hope? Yes. But there are times when I wake up in the morning thinking. OMG, I'm such a failure. When in reality this has nothing to do with my skill set, nor attitude, nor willingness to work. It's corporate America, greed, and age.
Just keep on looking and hope you will find a job that will support you. Like many others, you (and I) may have to relocate to find this.
And don't worry about your rant. Sometimes it's all we can do to keep our sanity.