Great post at Muckety on widespread influence of Campbell Brown, hubby Dan Senor. [View all]
This is why reformers have so much power. Takes money and networking....public school teachers seldom have that.
Brown and Senor take on New York teachers
I tried to post the image of their contacts, but it won't seem to link or embed. Be sure to look at it.
Brown, a former CNN anchor, is the founder of Partnership for Educational Justice, which wants to abolish teacher tenure in New York.
She is also a director of Success Academy Charter Schools, a charter school network that has tangled with New York Mayor Bill de Blasio.
Her husband, Senor, is a former adviser to the Romney campaign and spokesman for the Bush administrations Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq.
Senor is on the board of StudentsFirstNY, another group that has faced off against the teachers unions. The organization is an affiliate of StudentsFirst, founded by former DC school chancellor Michelle Rhee.
The couples school connections overlap in many ways, as illustrated in the interactive Muckety map above. StudentsFirst and Success Academy share funders and board members, including billionaire hedge funder Daniel Loeb.
So Campbell is with
Eva Moskowitz
And Senor is with
Students First and Michelle Rhee.
I did not know that.