But from talking to the parents of the older kids at the bus stop, it sounds like 3rd grade is when it really seems to go downhill. They start all those blasted tests, no one ever has time to go over all the questions on even the classroom tests, kids are just shuffled along as quickly as possible because "they have too much material to cover" to get to the next test (per the 3rd grader's father after conferences with the teacher). Right now, my son loves school, but he says he would rather be home with me for school. First "report card" came home yesterday and he is proficient in everything. I know it's only kindergarten, but shouldn't there be SOMETHING he needs to work on? We just encourage him with everything right now that interests him. He wants to write stories so we work on one page, 1-3 sentence long descriptions of whatever is on his mind. He can already read and he loves math games. We'll just do what we can now before all the homework starts next year. jeez, I didn't have homework until 6th grade. Now they all have to carry backpacks...half of that space is for all the fundraiser stuff that comes home since Walker is cutting their budgets so badly.
That's great your son has done so well. Sorry about the rocky part. Did you use a program or unschooling or some other system? I don't know what we would use. Seems that homeschooling really did help since that was most of his schooling. Even the rocky part probably helped eventually. Thanks for responding.