Giving up homeschooling after 18 years [View all]
The message below was posted on a homeschooling site. I am not the author of the post. And, I don't want the author excoriated simply because I re-posted her message to this board. I simply wanted to generate a discussion.
1) Does your family (spouse, parents, etc) understand and support your homeschooling goals? And, how important is it that they do or how damaging is it when they don't.
2) Do you find that technology around the home, or anything around your home compete with your homeschooling efforts? If so, how do you counter that?
3) Have you experienced burnout and returned to a public/private school setting? Do you have a support network to help with feelings of burnout? How important is a support network.
Re: Re: Giving up homeschooling after 18 years
I am beyond burned out; not only can´t I homeschool anymore, I don´t WANT to. I am tired of trying to run a household singlehandedly, fighting with her to do basic reading and math, tired of being behind and having to use weekends to do schoolwork so I never get even one day off from it....I´m going to leave the educational decision to my husband from now on, whatever he decides to do with her (public, private, cyber) is up to him.
He created this problem by giving them a TV in each room, their own cellphones and laptops, so now he gets to pick up the pieces. I told him this would happen but he is a technology nut, and wanted them to "have it all". If it were up to me they would never have gotten online or even had a television set. ALL my dreams for their education down the toilet thanks to one husband. This is one case where if I had been a single mother their education would have worked out. Ironic.