That is geology that never had sedimentary layers of organic material.
I'm not going to get into a big debate on this. The oil industry has a vested interest in this being perceived as a limited commodity. The entire oil economy is based on the "fossil origin" theory and everybody gets paid on that basis. And at the other end of the spectrum, environmentalists abhor the idea that there might be magnitudes more oil that could push the planet to CO2 levels never experienced in the entire history of the earth's geology. So they also deny this.
Gold has been dead a decade, and we still see reserves expanding all over the world in places where there never was a big storehouse of biological materials. We still see the gulf oil fields seemingly replenishing themselves. Gold's predictions are still proving to be valid.
I wish we would run out of oil this year. I am a big supporter of wind and solar energy. But in supporting those things, I never took a pledge to be stupid to the basic facts. I don't know that Gold's theory is true. But I do know that his deniers have relied on character assassination and ostracization rather than evidence to keep his theory from getting clear scientific evaluation.