........" Not just Muslims shira " .
Try here Little Tich :
Anyone who falls in love with a foreigner and wants to obtain permanent residency status for him or her, will soon discover that the State of Israel does not welcome non-Jews.
While a French Jew will, upon his arrival here, receive an ID card, full rights and a generous absorption basket of assistance, his non-Jewish neighbor, if he falls in love with an Israeli woman and decides to move here, will undergo years of harassment until he receives permanent residency status, not to mention citizenship.
The civil marriage legislation under discussion, if it passes the Knesset, will enable the couple to marry in Israel − but wont solve the problem.
Aside from the Law of Return, the entire arena of immigration in this
country is mostly a matter of regulations rather than laws, and the regulations change constantly, and differ from one office to the next. If a foreign-born Jew has immigrated to Israel with his non-Jewish wife and their children,everyone will receive citizenship automatically. But when an Israeli citizen who lives here asks the state to grant a status to a non-Jewish partner, he cannot do so on the basis of the Law of Return and must undergo a procedure known as family reunification.
For years, granting permanent residency to non-Jews was seen as a humanitarian exception, and we had to fight to change the approach, says attorney Oded Feller of the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, whose expertise includes human rights infringements on the part of the Interior Ministrys Population, Immigration and Border Authority, and cases involving immigration, citizenship and residency status.
At the same time, the lawyer adds, Clearly the Interior Ministry makes things difficult, it doesnt want them here. It sees itself as a watchman at the gate that makes sure there will be as few non-Jews here as possible.
The very fact that I get this runaround − not because my partner is not Israeli but because of his religion − is intolerable, sums up Ilana. After all, if he were Jewish he would make aliyah, receive citizenship, money, rights, and thats the end of the story. Even if the grandmother of his sisters aunt was Jewish in the distant past − if you have a paper to prove that, thats it. Many countries have immigration quotas, but the emphasis on religion here is what makes this process so racist. Racism that is directed at anyone who isnt Jewish − and at me, too, because Im the one who brought a non-Jew to the State of Israel.