There's no objective discussion about the military occupation, retaliation, and the embargo of Palestine, or the segregation of economic, academic, humanitarian and business efforts. There's also no mention of Israel's appropriation of lands, water and other natural resources, and agricultural areas.
The author mentioned that the Palestinians (with the blessing of their western BDS friends) have rejected peace and a Palestinian state on multiple occasions, hence the occupation, embargo... which I'm sure you prefer to the Palestinians' own state, otherwise you'd blame the Palestinians too for rejecting each and every offer for peace and their own state going back before 1948. So yeah, it's the BDS'ers who prefer continued occupation, a Palestinian state of their own. Because they're against the existence of Israel.
The author puts forth the absurd rationalization that Israel cannot possible be labeled "illegitimate colonialist state" because history put them in the area... along with many Arab peoples, so by that logic, the people of Palestine have the right to a similar entitlement.
The claim that Israel is an illegitimate colonialist state is absurd given the Jewish people are indigenous to that land going back several thousand years. And of course Palestinians have a similar entitlement, hence 2 states which you're against if you're for BDS. Being for BDS, you support Palestinian self-determination while being against the same for Jews. Totally immoral, especially given the fact Jews couldn't live under Palestinian rule.
Curiously, this lopsided that "BDS has failed", but they can only point to "investments" to justify that claim. Evidently BDS is having a significant impact in every other aspect, enough to prompt this hastily writ denial in an effort to squelch the loud condemnation coming from the far more punitive court of public opinion.
The impact BDS is having is the upsurge in antisemitism worldwide. It's no coincidence there has been a spike in antisemitism worldwide over the past decade while BDS has gained popularity. The attempt (and success) of poisoning the minds of the next generation of western leaders with Jew hatred and animosity towards the existence of Israel is the impact of BDS. That hatred should be fought vehemently. That is BDS.
To repeat, BDS is
"immoral because it ignores the anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hate education on which generations of Palestinians have been raised, an education that denies any place for a Jewish state in any borders. " The immoral BDS crowd ignores or attempts to minimize all that because they support hate and incitement. They are part of that hate. That's BDS. Own it.