There is nothing wrong with opposing the Israeli government's policies of injustice and discrimination, so just stop ladeling out the syrupy "Jew hatred" religious guilt trip crapola. The US holds itself out as an honest broker for human rights, and from that aspect alone, the US is obligated to criticise the state Israel for perpetuating their non-productive ethnic war against the trapped people of Palestine and the outright theft of their lands and properties.
Our country has always disapproved of specific policies from many foreign countries, and to be sure, some are foes and opponents, but most of them are our friends, allies and trading partners. Those economic, diplomatic and cultural agreements do not preclude our strong opposition to the things they do that we oppose. Why would it be in our best interests to allow special carve outs for the militant policies of Israel when we are criticising other friendly countries for their egregious behaviors?
Don't start crying fake crocodile tears over Palestine's rejection of those ridiculous "peace" offers Israel pretends to be just and fair solutions. They were not, and no country in their right mind would agree to the crushing terms Israel tried to foist off on the Palestinians so they could essentially get to keep their cake and eat it too.
You think it's wrong to criticize Israel, redefining opposition as anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hate. Recall, if you will, much the same propaganda tactics was used by the Bush Administration when they confabulated criticisms of their war polices to hatred for US troops... see how that works, yeah?
While you're lauding Israel's militancy, BDS keeps growing and no amount of name calling is going to change that. Here's the thing, more people around the world are becoming immune to the same old Israeli stratagems of crying guilt and victimhood on one hand, whilst pounding their neighbors into oblivion with the other. Even the US is making some progress in slipping off the yoke of Israel's state sponsored guilt trip.